No problems Jamie. Thanks for contributing, although personally I won't miss your drunken rants.

Just fyi, this isn't a commercial enterprise. I personally pay about $400 a year, plus the initial $400-odd buying the forum software and such. Nobody has contributed a cent over the years (nor do I ask or expect people to). I don't have a 'commercial advertising policy' and I've never charged anyone to post ads or their business promotions etc (another key philosophical between TT and RATs). Nor do I flog my business or products, and I happily let competing businesses (eg Wetty, Tristan, Kaneg etc) derive business from the site.

I tried google ads for a while, to try and offset the hosting costs, but it doesn't seem to work. This is purely a labour of love, as I really really value the friends I make and keep in touch with on the forum. If being nice to each other online doesn't work for you, or anyone else, I'm ok with that.