Eastern Creek in the middle of summer, twice, in 40+ degree temps. Then Broadford, Phillip Island and Goulburn in the dead of winter, in zero degree temps, and rain. What's wrong with this picture?

The long weekend thing is because the committee has confused correlation with causation. The first 'away' round, Broadford in, what, 2011 or 2012, was on the winter long weekend and was very well attended. The following year it was at a more weather-friendly time of year, but with a much poorer turnout. The conclusion (based on correlation, ie the two things happened at the same time, therefore they must be linked) is that non-long weekend = poor attendance. Moving the race meet back to the long weekend in subsequent years has not caused a rise in attendance (which, if it had, would indicate causation, ie one thing caused the other). But yet, the assumption persists that it must be on the winter long weekend to be successful.

I've been mulling over this issue in my head for a while now. I can't see much alternative (other than simply continue to bitch and moan on a forum) than to get involved with the committee. The massive negative is the horribly unfriendly meeting schedule (late evening, somewhere close to fricken Canberra I think, on a school night, a Wednesday, and every frincken FORTNIGHT, if you please. They are also interminably LONG! Faaaar out.).

Can anyone think of anything? Quarterly road-race meeting somewhere closer to the middle of Sydney? At the risk of pissing off the existing committee, who all live very nearby.