I'm only new to this racing gig myself, but the down at PI for instance, there were only 6 different classes out there, me being in two, there was one race/practice/qualifying session in between both my classes. Then a break of 3, then repeat. The break of 3 was a good chance to take a breather.

If you do three classes, you'll end up completely frazzled for each and every one. I wouldn't worry about the extra seat time. For me, that extra $100 will be better spent on tyres/fuel/hookers 'n' blow for whomever you can con into helping you out on the weekend.

Remember, it's supposed to be fun. Do two classes, if you feel like you are bored and hanging round doing fuck all the whole weekend, then I will apologise and feel genuinely bad.

Wrong thread, but how was today?!!!