The problem with a club is that it's a club. Everyone is a volunteer, and bless their cotton socks for doing so!! But it's a lot of work for, frankly, a lot of heartache (few of them seem very happy to be there, most of the time). It's a wonder anyone does it at all.

Even less than 10 years ago there were heaps more motorcycle clubs, most of them running race meets and interclubs etc. But they gradually fell by the wayside, as the number of tracks dried up, volunteers lost interest, and the costs skyrocketed. Running a race meet at Oran Park, for example, was heaps cheaper than at the Creek. Hell, running a race meet at the Creek was also heaps cheaper, because there was competition between tracks, weekends weren't booked out a year in advance, and there were lots of riders.

A typical two-day race meeting at the Creek (Sat/Sun) currently runs about $70k. If the club get biiiig numbers, they might make $8-10k, which they lose on 'away' rounds, or if there's a small turnout for whatever reason. An average weekend maybe breaks even. The dirt bike racing subsidises the road racing to a certain extent.

St George are just the last club standing. And they've had the same people running it, more or less, since Noah was thinking about a career change. They don't WANT to change, despite their occasional and feeble protests to the contrary. They like their social club meetings every fortnight at their local bowling club. It's their social club, that also happens to put on race meetings from time to time. They'd definitely be willing to listen to suggestions, but unless you also propose who, how and when, and strictly commit to following through, it ain't gonna happen.

Who's actually been to a committee meeting? All are welcome, and they'll listen to any suggestions. Nobody much proposes anything.... we just bitch online and assume they read everything on the interwebs (and considering the road race secretary is approaching 80 years old, how au fait with computers and social media do you think she is)?