Re not turning up to interstate meetings I can only give my 2c which sort of falls in line with what Simon said re costs but in my case, being a one man band, there's also the collateral that comes if I get hurt... when I broke my collarbone at Wakey I had to have my gf and in laws drive down to pick me up and drive my car back to Sydney. If that had happened at PI I'd be pretty screwed. On top of that, interstate usually also means at least one day off to account for the driving and that's a day I don't get paid.

Having said that, those are the risks and I'm willing to take them... so basically it comes down to costs for me.

Like I said before, I have no beef with StGeorge and if they need help, maybe they should reach out to members... I know I would/will help if asked. I also have no beef with Wakefield, love the place despite all its flaws. My only issue here is with the time of the year meetings get booked. I understand where Stu is coming from when he compares it his time in the UK but to me, it's really not the same thing. In the UK that's the weather you get... you can't control it. Here, there's a HUGE portion of the year where we don't have to take that risk, so to me it makes no sense that it's always the bikes that draw the short stick.