Quote Originally Posted by Krackeye View Post
Thought you were going to bridge that gap on the last lap for a nip into 9 Nath. You and I would be a nice match mano a mano.
And Marshy, those opening two laps were a treat. Nice riding. How were the lap times between the Yammie and Ape?
thanks Marcus, it wasn't thgough lack of trying I tell you! I kinda stuffed 9 on the last lap and ran it wide, couldn't get on the gas quick enough, then I lost him... Looking forward to having a dice with you mate!

Marshy, I think you're right, only just clicking 6th down the straight, could probably run out 5th. Might give me a little more punch. I was thinking that out of 3 and 5 and 9 I wish I had a little more drive...

Plumb, I reckon the vid would have you appearing in it if you had been able to race...

Thanks Owen, it wasn't that hot that race, but I'll claim the PB!!!

Wolfie, the front row start is a vid of me getting blitzed by 4 blokes in the first lap, then I may aswell be on track myself... I need a better start to get a better first lap, bigger balls and more skill, then hopefully I will be able to stick with you guys for a couple more laps and get my times down!