The edge of your toe is dragging on the rear brake. You have to roll your ankle a little.

I use it to tighten up my lines on exit and helps on corners that fall away from you i.e. turn 4 EC, crash corner at Broady since Bernie teaches us to keep on the throttle going downhill as it keeps the weight off the front end and not fold the front.

I drag the rear brake going into most corners. Just very used to it ever since I went to Bernies school in 11.

When my brake lever broke at wakefield park when I gone down on Nelso's oil spill, I felt very uncomfortable without my rear brake. I just use the stock r6 rear brake and go through them as much as I do the front!

Still got plenty more to learn. It's been a very exciting journey first year on the 600 so far.. looking forward to learning as much as I can from all you guys