Bought myself a shiny new pair of Hot Hoops digital tyre warmers last week.
I set each temp to 70 degrees as per the Ntec guidelines... Left them a good while to come up to temp until the readout displayed 70.
Some guys I was pitted with had brought an infrared thermometer and wanted to 'calibrate' on mine given mine had the readout.
It turns out, mine had peaked at 34 degrees with the warmers showing 70. Theirs, all non-digital ones, were showing 65-75 degrees in the center via the thermometer.
We all put the warmers on at the same time and leaving them at this setting, mine stayed the same temp.
I later moved my temps up to 100 front, 110 rear to get the actual tyre up to 70 which worked for the rest of the day.
It meant that my hot pressures were out for at least the first session which, coupled with colder tyres, might have ended badly...
Has anybody else tried measuring actual tyre temps? Are other people's readouts accurate? Am I using them wrong?