I do like my trailer but having seen Lee's, and now suffering from severe trailer envy of the new Fineline, I decided a little TLC after a couple of years of use was in order.
One of the issues I wanted to address was tyres heat cycling inside the trailer if it was out in the sun for any period of time.
The walls are sheet metal and, in black, it worked like an oven in Summer!

First job was to fit a whirlybird, rotary vent.
Pretty easy install, between sessions, just a hole saw in the roof and a couple of bolts....

Next, after some pointers from Ruckos some vents wither side of the rear door to help with the convection...

But, for anybody wondering.. IT MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE to the temperature inside!!

So, on to phase two...

Phase three...

Phase three B...

Phase four .....

Phase... more.. New jockey wheel handle...

phase.... eleventy.. Paint the frame...

Phase... ah I don't know... it took forever but it finished up like THIS:

Pretty stoked with the result from few rattle cans! At last, THIS made a great difference to the inside temp too!