Hi guys,
What a weekend it was mostly gut churning and then gut wrenching when we called the choppers.
Yes now it's all over and we think about the incidents there are many points of view comming forward.
Let me say this that all of the marshals and flaggies do their best to enable you all to race.

There are a lot of new flaggies and they are needed to man all the corners the tower can't see, we mostly have two flaggies a point but usually 1 is not experienced and it's all new to them and the other may not know about what safe racing lines and breaking is.
We are briefed to what to do at the marshals meeting and we have our points and look foward to the next point you guys flash past and we are watching for crashes only in our sector it happens as fast to us as it does to you.
Man I'm lucky to see my mates and I look for them to see how the incident unfolded or happened is near impossible.

As Marshy said if your uncomfortable riding wit
h a guy see the clerk of the course and fair and immediate action will be taken to see safe and fair racing.I know the work the officials of St George do and they are competent looking out for you first and the good of the club.
Guys I have a little gripe to you riders .
When you see the red flag the guys going fast slow and put a signal to the guys behind and get in the exit quickly so we can get the ambo out. Too often guys would continue to the back gate ok the first few for safety get past me but ten more?.....??? And then you all slow and continue like Browns cows , ok you have seen the red flag ,well giddy up and get off the track the back markers catch up please do it safely but catch up. It may be you next time we are trying to assist.
Yes I know it's really not much wasted time but every second feels like an hour when your flaging.

Cheers guys im happy to flag and do anything to help the club meets run and that gets you riders out there and that's the thing your riders give each other room it takes time to be a racer and most will never achieve it. Ride the club races safe.it helps you, helps other riders and makes my job easier.