Quote Originally Posted by Marshy View Post
Yeah, it's just a rubbish schedule. They really, really shouldn't try and run a two-day race meet with both modern and historics. There's waaaay too many classes, and not enough track time for anyone. I'd always thought that they should run moderns on Saturday and historics on Sunday (assuming just a two-day weekend is available for the race meet). Have fewer classes, and more races per class, and compress those races into one day. Heaps and heaps more track time (for the same price), and no lengthy sitting around periods. Historics can deal with their oil spills on their own on the Sunday, after the moderns have gone home and are kicking back with their families and a cold beer, instead of eating into modern's race time with cleanup delays.
They were apparently trying to build the profile so that they could run separate modern and historic state titles in the future. Obviously, they didn't think it through enough, or learn from two years ago.