Quote Originally Posted by ironside View Post

I think data loggers can help with step 1. If all you do is time with them then they're little more than a measure of something you did differently making things better or making things worse.
If you look at the data, even just comparing with yourself whether from different sessions or different days, you can see what specifically you're doing differently.

Can't go as fast as your last trip? Have a look and see which corners are slower compared to last time. You might be tackling the wrong ones.
How does Marshy do it? Gaffa your logger to his bike or have him email you his data. You can overlay his lap with yours on your laptop and see. Etc.

With the AIM Solo logger and software certainly, you can see and compare everything from how much speed you're carrying, when/where you brake, how hard and for how long to how much track width you're using.

I dunno how Oz track days compare but there's certainly an awful lot of bullshit around UK/Euro days with people saying they're lapping in this time (e.g. your time minus 2 seconds) or doing this speed/line through that corner when they're not; either because they're making it up or what they think they're doing doesn't match what they're actually doing. Data loggers are great for separating fact from fiction, even when you're only analysing yourself.
Great advice! Anyone is welcome to my data (we should have a thread for sharing lap data).

Quote Originally Posted by ironside View Post
Data loggers are great for separating fact from fiction.
And are sometimes referred to as lie detectors