Quote Originally Posted by nigelnobody View Post
Depends maybe on model year or feel your after.
My 10 (L0) has plenty stopping power everything stock except lines.Was going to upgade until one day pulled a completely unintentional clumsy stoppie at 225kph into 2.
Flaggie had yellow waving before i pulled it up luckily,
Sphincter chewed nice hole in the seat tho...
I think that this is where the M/C generates some confusion... I'm no expert of course, but I think ANY stock M/C will have more than enough power to pull a wheelie at any speed. The thing with choosing one M/C over another is more how much feeling/pressure you personally prefer. I like something with a solid feel to it, not the strongest initial bite but not something I need to squeeze the lever bent to stop either. That's why I disliked the stock M/C on the R6. It always felt a bit mushy despite numerous bleeds and needed a little more pressure than I would have liked to in order to be precise. Having said that, initial bite is usually more down to your pads, I think... which is why the SRJL is a fantastic option.

If I have the bike in the stands, the lever needs to feel solid IMHO. Best I ever tried was a Moto2 bike... I just couldn't believe how much of the pads you feel through the lever.