Quote Originally Posted by zooker View Post
What a weekend. Was soo worth the crappy weather just to experience racing at Phillip Island finally. Friday practice was pretty good, although a bit timid having seen so many bikes going down. While the track was fine and grippy I think it was more the mental side of things that kept me slightly cautious knowing there was a full w/end of racing to go. Only managed 47's best.

Saturday was not so great. Not having done much wet riding, and certainly no wet racing, I struggled to get comfortable and felt my bike setup (i.e. backing a few things off and hoping for the best) was not helping. Got lucky in qualifying and got 1 mostly dry lap in before the heavens opened, putting me into 5th for the first 600 race.

First race and I had a cracking start, 2nd into the first corner and only 4th by Honda. Unfortunately it ended there, losing the rear out of nowhere. Got the bike fixed up and continued the rest of the wet races cautiously around mid-pack, with the aim of finishing and hoping for dry weather Sunday.

Sunday started wet but dried quite quickly. First race was still on wets on the drying track so chewed them up pretty good. Remaining races were dry, and I gradually worked my way up the field, generally ending up either just in-front or just behind Carl. I think he pipped me on the line by 0.05 seconds in my last race.....bastard Had some great passes, and even managed to slip stream past someone which doesn't generally happen with my power disadvantage.

I missed the last 600 race after discovering my chain master clip missing (yea yea I know it should be riveted), and unfortunately the last clubby race was cancelled due to oil and lack of time.

Here's the vid of my crash to get thigs started

Coool!! Who was that on the Kwaka??