Quote Originally Posted by BG851 View Post
The desperate moves some of those guys in the wobbler vests are the reason we have delays like we had on saturday. Trying to pass people so tight they are on the curb....wow....and then they wonder why they dont make it out the other side....
This is the biggest issue with St George at the moment. So many newbies who think they are racing for sheep stations (in D grade FFS) with absolutely no idea, doing stupid, hi risk things on the track. Besides having a newbies only practice session (with a practice start), The COC needs to sit people out when they pull off these stupid moves, so they get the message that it is not how to race.

Marshy, good work putting something in place and starting the discussion. We all know something needs to be done to sort out the shitfight that the grading system is at the moment. Personally, I like the proposal using times to grade, as it allows people that are quick enough to skip grades. Having someone doing 1:31's at EC in their first year of road racing (or their first year back after a break), they should go straight to A grade. I also think that MA should not allow someone to race ASBK unless they are an A or B grader. It was dead set dangerous having someone doing 1:51's in ASBK at PI in the GP support races. I also agree that there should be no D grade, just A, B, C and novice and that there should be NO PRIZES at all for the novice group. It should be there simply for riders to LEARN about racing, not to think they are racing for sheep stations.

Maybe if St George settles these newbies down a bit, I might even do a few races with them next year. As it stands now, I am still a C grader though, as I haven't raced a modern bike for over two years, so how do you think that will go down? Lol