Thanks guys. I appreciate the offers of help and support.

This is my 2007 Honda CBR600RR race bike.

The coolant leak was caused by the aluminium water pump feed pipe getting squashed in the crash.
I tried to round it out with a screwdriver and then a socket.
Only session on Friday, day 2, and the bike felt alright, but when I came back in there was a pool under the bike and a trail leading in.

Day off tomorrow. Out to Hawkesbury Honda with my list of broken bits.
Stressing that Racers Edge dont return from holidays until next week, but if it comes to it I may have to attempt repair myself. Im shit at fibreglass.

All part of the learning curve I have conceded. Everyone seems to think that I got away with it rather lightly considering I left the track at about 150kph.

I am determined to be ready for round 1.