Was on eBay a month or so ago and found a K3 600 rear wheel in good nick for $75 no bids. Being an avid collector of wheels for this particular model I thought 'Why bloody not?' and chucked a bid on. Being a lucky and good looking son of a bitch (and the only dude in the market for this stuff) I won.

I couldn't pick it up for a week and then the dude was away and then I was away and by this time I had forgotten about it. As you do. On Tuesday I received a message from the seller along the lines of 'hurry up and get this fucking wheel we're all busy' which is fair enough so I go over to his workshop to collect it. I'm having a fuel pump issue on my 600 so I asked if he had any other bits from the bike he pulled apart but alas, he did not. He asked if I was restoring one and I had to correct him. Oh no, I said. I race one. Occasionally. When my ankle is pointing the right direction and time and finances allow. He was quite amused.

Dear Ebay buyer, he said. Are you in the market for another cheap track bike? Of course I was not, but curiosity got the better of me.


He led me through the maze of bikes to show me something that had come in the day before and was going to the wreckers the day after. A 2008 ZX6R. Front end hit. Apart from the missing nose fairing (that conveniently was on bench next to it, smashed) the bike looked pretty good. A quick look showed no visible damage to the forks, wheels, bars not bent, even the MC reservoir wasn't busted.

How cheap is cheap, kind sir? He answered. It was cheap.

Not the day before I had purchased a CR250. I had to think about this. Was another bike the actions of sensible, sane man?

I thought.

I thought.

I bought.

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