Quote Originally Posted by Marshy View Post
Yeah, but that's only looking at Sunday. Most people do the Saturday (north circuit) too. Which then makes it $580 for 60 laps. Including two bike spots (half a garage). Plus separate warm up and qualifying sessions.

But I look at it much more about how many 'at bats' you get (times on track) rather than race laps.... my view is that I'd much rather be on the bike 10 times in a day for 5 laps each than 4 times in a day and do 12 laps each time. Same number of laps, but - for me at least - much much much more enjoyment out of more sessions. Which is the downside of ASBK; it's much more like WSBK or MotoGP - there are fewer, much longer sessions (practice and racing), which I don't like nearly as much as having lots of starts/sessions/finishes etc.

Speaking of expensive... the last FX round: one day of racing, $455 entry (one class), plus $180 for two bike spots. Dunno how many races (3? 4?) or race laps (7? 8?), but when you've paid $635 for a single day, there'd need to be a LOT of race laps to make it as good value for money.
It's all a small price when looking at those shiny bits of plastic sitting on ya shelf afterwards..... Eh!!!!