Guys you are trying to read too much into the grading system - it is totally random!!

There is NO magic formula and if you ask for an explanation of why you're grade has changed they can't provide it. I tried last year after I was made a B grade after one year of racing and they couldn't give me an adequate answer. I appealed but was pretty much told it was pointless so after a month of not hearing anything back told them to forget it.

The main problem is that the rider has no control over it and then they cop all the abuse from other riders saying it isn't fair, Anthony Saad being the best example, he didn't ask to be kept in D grade, he was embarrassed about it and then everyone bitched and moaned saying it wasn't fair because they couldn't beat him.

This is also why Terry O'Neill ignores your MA grading as he thinks its so flawed (saying that there was some dubious C&D riders in FX)!