And so i tackled this shorty akra and finally had some success.
I ended up taking the end cap off and getting it all to line up from there. Was a bit tediuos but i got there. I cocked up the rear metal band a little bit and botched a few of the rivet holes but its all holding together well so it will do.

Gave it a nice polish and clean up and a new akra sticker. Pretty happy with how it turned out but thinking maybe i should of taken a few more cm's off it.

Still a few marks from the crash but looks better than it did

All fitted up on the bike

So on Tuesday ill go pick up some Oil, a battery, brake fluid and coolant. Then after it has its fluids ill take it for a spin around the car park to make sure it works.
Can't wait. After that slicks and off to get a base suspension setup by Race Centre.