As I've mentioned a few time on this thread, I've been hitting false neutrals a little too regularly on this bike.
So, the time has come to get it fixed.

The first thing I pointed the finger at was the Vortex rearsets. Using GP shift pattern is a workaround on this bike and I suspected something wasn't quite right, by the feel of the shifts.
Naturally I assumed I knew more than a manual so I threw it out before assembling the rearsets... turns out you have to be VERY accurate with the shift rod assembly:
+/- 0.005!! It'd be an imperial measurement but still... shit!

That actually cleared up a lot of shift issues and the QS seemed to be working a lot better. I was still getting false neutrals tho....

Next avenue after talking with Wolfie and Jonnyb, was possibly a new shift detent spring. The shift detent spring is a spring that holds the shift arm to the selector star.
It's a pretty cheap part so I thought I'd give it a try.

First the clutch cover off..

Set the motor to Top Dead Centre with my specialised BMW TDC tool... otherwise known as a t-handle

pressure plate off....

friction plates out...

clutch basket out and there she is...

Out comes the shift arm too and you can see the spring around it...

Got the new part shipped from these guys..

As you can see, it's a much heavier gauge spring with a lot of resistance to it....

Back in it goes and GONE are the false neutrals!! The end result is a MUCH more positive 'clunk' into gear and no hint of a false neutral at all, HAPPY DAYS!!

The last couple of mods for the bike is the addition of the 2D Datalogger. It's a GPS and telemetry logger that, at 100Hz, gives a bewildering array of data channels to analyse and ignore

and the final piece of the Bitubo puzzle, a steering damper to complete the bouncy bits suite...
Can't wait to have a crack on Thursday!!