Quote Originally Posted by Lets Torque View Post
So Wetty has been relegated just like that for freedom of speech? i understand he can be a little bit negative and truthful( to which some PPL dont want to hear) but really?Public forums are always going to be a point of discussion and they may vary from time to time - but PPL have to stand up for themselves and not go crying to big brother! Lifes not always going to be cupcakes and fairies as you well know... I dont think Wetty should be blame for the overall decline in postings!
Thanks Brett for your comments. Freedom of speech is to protect people from oppressive governments and the fear of persecution! Not an excuse to allow cyber-bullying. Also, despite the forum being completely open to anyone to read, it's a private forum (not public) because you have to be a member to post. And as a forum representing and promoting the sport and hobby of Australian track-based motorcycling, we all get to choose how we are represented on here. We (the collective 'we' meaning the majority of us) have chosen to not accept abuse and derision. I hate to think what our visitor from Afam in the US thought of Wetty's tirade in the sprocket thread. The RATs brand was badly damaged by the treatment of visiting professionals from the industry (remember the Terry Hay fiasco? Or TON?) And there were a string of others, which I don't want to be associated with again.

I didn't mean to sound like I was critical of RATs, as it was a place I loved for many years, despite the issues. Interestingly though, Wetty was forever posting build threads etc that were terrific value and everyone enjoyed. In contrast, I struggle to think of a positive comment he has made during his time here on TT, and as I said before, I've been his biggest supporter on here. The net effect has been very negative, and it was his abuse of me personally yesterday (not someone running to an admin) that was the final straw. I've lost count of the number of people that have mentioned to me in person that they no longer want to post on here due to the strong likelihood of (severely) negative feedback.

Disagreements, heated discussions, differing viewpoints are all welcome, and always will be! The overarching requirement, though, is that it's done with respect. Is it too much to ask that we are all nice to each other? I know that some guy got nailed to a tree about 2,000 years ago for saying how great it would be if we were all nice to each other for a change. I was just hoping we had matured a bit since then