Quote Originally Posted by Marty View Post
I'm going to go back and see him soon but I honestly think I should look at getting an aftermarket shock, I didn't see anyone on a 600RR that didn't have one.. But I would really like to hear from guys who have used revolved OEM gear vs aftermarket and was it worth it etc
Terry has a habit of making race/track bikes very very stiff. Grant likes them that way, and most Shock Treatment suspension I've ridden on (including the rear in my new bike) is simply too stiff for my liking. Some guys like bikes set up like that and others don't. If it's not working for you, it's not working for you - regardless of whether it might suit someone else.

With aftermarket shocks, oils ain't oils. Some are great, some not so much. Some work really well on some makes/models, but not on others. Above all else, steer well clear of the TTX, particularly the Mk I. They are absolutely rubbish. But any other aftermarket often needs tuning and re-springing to suit your bike/style/setup/weight etc. Not many are great out of the box, and none that I know of are reliably great out of the box, despite manufacturer and retailer claims.

OEM shocks can be awesome, but they need to be regularly serviced to maintain their performance. They are usually less sensitive to setup than aftermarket ones, although it depends on how they've been set up. One done by Terry should be great, and very close to an aftermarket in terms of performance. How long since it was serviced? What spring is in there?